As part of the inter-institutional research project «Circulation of Experts and Expertise – A Historical Approach to their Mediating Role in Energy Transitions: The Chilean Case (1875-1925)» of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and the Universidad de Chile, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the project partners convened an international workshop on January 19 and 20, 2023, in Berlin.
The workshop was the result of two years of cooperation, where research results on the circulation of knowledge about energy between Germany and Chile were presented and discussed. The circulation of knowledge was illustrated by means of persons, objects, instruments, concepts and raw materials.
Program on January 19, 2023
10:00-10:15 Workshop and Project Presentation: Circulation of Experts and Expertise – A Historical Approach to Their Mediating Role in Energy Transitions: The Chilean Case (1875–1925)
10:15-10:55 Cecilia Ibarra, Universidad de Chile: Energy Transitions or Aggregation of New Energy Sources to Satisfy Growing Consumption?
10:55-11:35 Johanna Höhl, Wuppertal Institut: Institutional Transfomations in Energy Transitions: The Lota Case Study, Bio Bio Region, Chile
11:50-12:30 Diego Arango López, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano: Energy Transitions, Urban Space, and Risk Devices in Valparaíso. 1853-1914
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:15-14:45 Nelson Arellano-Escudero, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano – CALAS.lat Center: Global Circulation of Solar Thermal Technologies for Water Desalination in the Era of the Recent Energy Transition (1870-1970)
14:45-15:25 Thomas Turnbull, MPI for the History of Science, Berlin: Measuring the Sun: The Smithsonian Expedition to the Atacama Desert
15:25-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-16:20 Carlos Sanhueza-Cerda, Universidad de Chile: The Role of Experts in the Electrification of Chile
16:20-17:00 Marion Steiner, ESPI Lab on Critical Industrial Heritage Studies: Coal or Waterpower in Valparaíso? Conflicting Views between Local and Global Actors on the Electrification of Public Urban Infrastructure in Metropolitan Chile before WWI
17:00-17:40 Helge Wendt, MPI for the History of Science, Berlin: Paul Krassa (Krohn). An Expert to Redefine the Chilean Coal Economy
More information on the MPIWG website here.
The second day was dedicated to internal discussion of the presentations by the group and the preparation of an edited book on the topic to be published in 2024.